Bancroft Criminal Lawyers

Facing criminal charges in Bancroft can be overwhelming. It is especially scary when you lack a defence or support. Navigating this experience is not easy; however, a Bancroft criminal lawyer can help. What The Law is the criminal law firm to choose to support your case!

What The Law provides extensive legal services. Our team has supported a range of criminal offence cases and has the experience to successfully defend your case as well. We advocate for you, and are firm believers that a fair trial should be available to all.

To find further information on the criminal defence work we complete, read on.

Criminal Defence Lawyers Bancroft

At What The Law, our team of criminal defence lawyers in Bancroft is committed to getting you the best outcome. Our law firm seeks to support you, from helping you in getting fair consequences to ensuring your rights are defended.

We offer you a strong defence, regardless of the criminal charge facing you. However, beyond this, we will work with you from the very beginning of the case until the end. Whether you could use more understanding of your legal rights or support with legal research, our representation can help.

In addition to our criminal defence services, our team provides flat rate fees and a free consultation. With transparent and flexible costs, we ensure that every client can receive reliable and unyielding case support.

Our Criminal Law Services in Bancroft

At What The Law, our firm's team has extensive experience that spreads across numerous criminal charges. Examples of our robust defences are outlined below.

Assault and Threat of Assault

Assault charges in Canada can include a criminal offence in which an individual threatens to use force. They've got the capability of implementing the threat or intentionally uses force against someone. The criminal code in Canada includes multiple types of assault.

Examples include aggravated assault and sexual assault. You may face consequences that match the severity of the charge. Being found guilty also leads to a criminal record.

With our experience, our team can mount a defence for you in cases such as these. We are able to support you from the very first consultation, through to the trial.

Driving Offences

Dangerous driving and driving under the influence – they are two examples of driving offences in Canada. It can also include impaired driving. The charge can factor in the level of alcohol in the blood. It can also involve previous driving convictions.

Outcomes can include a suspension of a license. This may be for a short term, but can greatly impact your life, forcing you to use other means of transport if you need to travel. In other instances, you may face prison, particularly if your charge is severe.

Our extensive experience with driving offence defence equips us with the means to support you. Don't hesitate to contact What The Law for extensive support in a driving offence case.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

Offences that include firearms and weapons can include unauthorized weapon possession. In other cases, it can include distributing guns illegally. The complexity of firearms and weapons offences will mean seeking the support of criminal defence lawyers specializing in such cases.

What The Law's Bancroft criminal lawyers have successfully defended firearms and weapons offences. With our deep knowledge of the criminal code and law, we can advocate for you in these cases.


Canadian law states that two main charges can apply with fraud. A charge can apply to fraud cases that equal less than $5,000.00. Others may equal more than $5,000.00. Convictions are less serious in cases that equate to less than $5,000.00. Despite this, receiving jail time can be the result for both types of fraud.

Consequences of convictions in this case include challenges in receiving employment and many other difficulties. Rely on What The Law to prepare a robust defence for your case to avoid these challenges.


As stated by Canadian law, theft is a criminal charge that has two main types. Like fraud, it can count as theft that equals less than $5,000.00. Other cases may equal more than $5,000.00. Criminal records can still be the consequence of each type, and this can make seeking employment challenging.

At What The Law, we provide robust legal representation for individuals who have received theft charges, and we can support you.


Since violence can form a part of robbery, this criminal charge is more grave than theft. A lifelong criminal record can be the result, and you may also need to face prison time. The consequences are severe in the short and long term.

Our team of Bancroft criminal lawyers at What The Law can defend cases like these. You can rely on our team to support you.

Manslaughter and Murder

The severity of manslaughter and murder charges leads to extreme consequences. The charge will differ depending on the intent behind the accused's actions. It can result in time in prison if you are convicted.

What The Law is aware of the severity of a manslaughter or murder charge and can implement our knowledge to defend cases like these.

Why Choose What The Law's Legal Services in Bancroft?

Which factors make What The Law's Bancroft criminal lawyers ideal for your case?

Throughout the case we will keep you informed of your legal rights. Our Bancroft criminal lawyers believe in fair trials. We'll work to ensure both your rights are protected – and to ensure the legal process upholds these rights.

We offer a flat rate and transparent costs, ensuring you are fully aware of the prices of our legal representation. We will not keep hidden fees from you and can accept flexible payments throughout the process.

Our criminal defence lawyers in Bancroft know that your case is unique, as is every case. As we build a personalized defence for you, we lean on our experience. We support you – no matter the details of your specific case.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Fees Will I Pay for Criminal Defence Lawyers in Bancroft?

Fees vary for criminal defence lawyers in Bancroft. Each law firm will ask for different costs. At What The Law, a flat fee applies. You can also receive a flexible plan, meaning you can make the payments without being concerned about preparing for a trial at the same time. With What The Law, we are also transparent about our fees.

What Are My Legal Rights in Canada when Arrested and What Should I Do?

Remaining silent – it's one of your legal rights when arrested in Canada. You also have the right to be informed of the reasons for the arrest. You can consult with a lawyer. We advise staying calm and waiting for your lawyer's advice.

What Are the Types of Warrant in Canada?

Warrants can include arrest and search warrants in Canada. Police can use an arrest warrant if they have reasonable grounds to suspect someone is responsible for a criminal offence. They can also use a search warrant to search your property and remove items from it.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Bancroft

The fear you face with a criminal charge can be overwhelming. What The Law criminal defence lawyers in Bancroft can help you, so that you face this uncertain time – with confidence. We'll build a robust case for you and support you throughout.

Contact What The Law for more information and to arrange your free consultation.