Belleville Criminal Lawyers

It isn't easy to navigate a criminal charge in Belleville. If you have been charged with a criminal offence, what is the best way to approach this? The Belleville criminal lawyers at What The Law can guide you through this circumstance.

The What The Law team includes lawyers with extensive knowledge. Our law firm has handled various criminal matters. Offering legal assistance to those facing criminal charges, we help with bail hearings and more, so that you can achieve the best possible outcome.

Discover more about our legal services in Belleville just below.

Criminal Defence Lawyers Belleville

If your case needs criminal defence lawyers in Belleville, What The Law is here. Our criminal lawyer team can give you the legal counsel you need. It doesn't matter if you have been charged with impaired driving or domestic assault, we can support you.

We understand that knowing your rights is important. In many situations, individuals have had their rights breached, simply because they were unaware. We will defend you with the assumption that you are not guilty to help you navigate the distressing scenario and build a reliable defence.

A free consultation and flexible payment arrangements are available. The consultation will feature a disclosure review. Paired with our flat rates, we make our services fully accessible to our clients.

Our Criminal Law Services in Belleville

Experienced legal counsel is available through our law firm, as we build a defence for our clients. Learn more about the criminal matters we can help resolve just below. 

Assault and Threat of Assault

Under Canadian law, assault charges are charges that result from the use of violence and additional actions. They can also include threats. So even without touching a person, you could legally be given an assault charge. 

Aggravated assault and simple assault fall into this category. If charged for these and convicted, the implications can be devastating, though it can vary for each type.

Entrust your assault case defence to What The Law to receive fair treatment and just outcomes. Our experience spans a range of assault cases.

Driving Offences

Canada's Criminal Code states that handling a vehicle in a hazardous manner counts as a driving offence. Driving under the influence is an example. It may even include having a prohibited level of alcohol in the blood, or threatening public safety when driving.

You will always face getting a suspended license in this case, and this can mean you'll not be able to operate your vehicle. It limits your autonomy and ease of travel and can impact your life for a long period of time.

You can rely on What The Law's experienced Belleville criminal lawyers as we make it a priority to help you navigate driving offence cases.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

It is because of the challenging nature of firearms and weapons offences that a good defence is needed. These cases can include carrying concealed weapons or owning a prohibited firearm. 'Weapon' refers to an item used to intentionally cause harm. The most severe cases include weapons trafficking.

Our Belleville criminal lawyers have successfully defended cases including firearms and weapons. Let us support your case with our experience.


An offence that involves deceiving the public to deprive them of money or security is fraud. There are two key examples – fraud worth over and fraud worth under $5,000. The second type of fraud leads to less serious charges, but you can still have a criminal record if convicted.

Ongoing freedom restrictions and a low likelihood of employment follow this charge. But our What The Law team can help if you're facing the potential consequences of a fraud conviction.


Though theft charges have two categories, they can both be serious. Category one is theft worth over $5,000. Category two is theft worth under $5,000. Even if it's a first-time theft offence, you could get a criminal record if convicted.

The outcome of a theft charge and conviction can include limited travel, visa restrictions, challenges finding a job, and more. What The Law has the Belleville criminal lawyer team to help. Contact us, and let us get started on your case defence today.


The act of violence in robbery cases makes this criminal charge serious. It is therefore a more serious act than theft – and convictions will reflect this severity. It can mean jail time, after which, the effects last into your future due to the lifetime criminal record you might receive.

In a scenario where you've received a robbery charge, reach out to What The Law – we are ready to legally represent you.

Manslaughter and Murder

The Canadian Criminal Code reflects the seriousness of manslaughter and murder. These charges are different due to the intent of the action. Manslaughter does not typically include intent to kill. Murder can include first- and second-degree murder which include planning the murder and killing someone in the heat of the moment deliberately, respectively. Convictions result in specific consequences, such as time in prison.

We have handled cases that include manslaughter and murder charges. We are available to provide a powerful defence for you. 

Why Choose What The Law's Legal Services in Belleville?

Why can you trust What The Law to create a criminal defence for you in Belleville?

Our utmost priority is to defend your rights. It is our goal to help you in this complex situation and ensure your rights are always protected. A fair trial and robust legal representation are additional factors we focus on delivering. We'll advocate for just outcomes and ensure you always know your rights from start to finish.

We offer a flexible payment model for ever alongside fee transparency. What The Law wants you to be fully aware of what your fees are, so there will never be hidden fees. Our flat rate fee is intended to make payment easier for you.

We are great believers in the presumption of innocence. So we will work to defend your case, and from the beginning to the end, will operate with the perspective that you are innocent. Our strong legal team will fight to ensure you receive the justice you are owed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Difference Between Arrested and Detained in Belleville?

Restriction of liberty counts as detention. An officer might, for instance, ask you to pull over. If they stop you, and prevent you from leaving this is called being detained. Being under arrest means being handcuffed and taken to a police station. The officer will in this case, tell you that you are under arrest.

What Should I Look for when Choosing Criminal Defence Lawyers in Belleville?

Experience in handling your case is important – the law firm you choose should have extensive experience handling cases such as yours. It will be able to offer the right legal counsel to you. Our criminal defence lawyers in Belleville have navigated a range of cases, so that we can create an unwavering defence for you.

Do You Have a Right to a Lawyer in Belleville Ontario?

Retaining and instructing counsel is a legal right in Belleville, Ontario. To retain legal counsel means to seek legal representation. You have the right to a lawyer if you are arrested. What The Law can provide that legal support for you, as we are committed to providing the right legal advice for a range of criminal charges.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Belleville

The prospect of facing a criminal charge can cause stress and fear. What The Law is here to allay those fears. Our team, working with the presumption that you are entirely innocent, will support you. We will work to get the fair and just outcomes you are owed.

Contact our lawyers for more information. Set up your free consultation today to speak with a Belleville criminal lawyer.