Brockville Criminal Lawyers

The stress of receiving a criminal charge can be intense. At What The Law, our Brockville criminal lawyers can support you if you are facing criminal charges. If you need guidance or legal counsel our criminal defence lawyers can help with your criminal case. We apply our vast criminal law knowledge in the process.

We work using the presumption that you are innocent, no matter the case. Our team is always focused on ensuring you receive a just treatment. In choosing What The Law, you will know that our Brockville criminal defence lawyers are always committed to protecting your rights and mounting a strong defence.

Find more information about our Brockville criminal defence services below.

Criminal Defence Lawyers Brockville

What The Law knows being charged with a criminal offence in Brockville can feel highly stressful. You may be unsure how to handle the charge on your own. But a team of criminal defence lawyers in Brockville can support you – and What The Law can do this too.

Our aim is to ensure each client we support can access our services – that's why we provide free consultations prior to you signing any contracts with us. Additionally, we ensure that our service costs are manageable by providing every client with flat rate fees. Payment plans that are flexible are also available.

Our Criminal Law Services in Brockville

Our experience and knowledge span various areas of criminal law – we offer a vast range of criminal law services in Brockville. Some of the criminal law services we offer are listed below.

Assault and Threat of Assault

Several types of assault are included in Canadian law. Some examples are threat of assault and sexual assault. Others include aggravated and simple assault. If convicted, penalties will reflect the severity of the specific case. It can include a criminal record.

The outcomes of assault convictions can be detrimental to your life. You will need legal representation to ensure these outcomes do not affect you. What The Law's Brockville criminal lawyers are available. We offer our experience with assault charges to defend you.

Driving Offences

Several examples of driving offences exist and each is different. Examples include driving under the influence and impaired driving. A fine or getting your driving license suspended are some potential outcomes. They can impact your travel and your life in a grave way.

At What The Law, our criminal defence lawyers will work to make sure you do not get a license suspended – we'll aim to get the best outcome for you.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

Each firearms and weapons offence is unique under Canadian law. Some examples involve using a firearm or owning an unauthorized weapon. Since this type of criminal case is complicated and challenging to navigate, we suggest getting a Brockville criminal lawyer involved.

We at What The Law have extensive experience in this area of criminal law and can use it to defend your firearms and weapons case.



The severity of a fraud charge will depend on the type, of which there are two. Examples are those worth under and those over $5,000. Fraud cases valued at less than $5,000.00 will lead to less severe punishments than fraud cases valued over $5,000.00. They both involve deceiving another individual to deprive them financially or of their identity.

What you face as a result of a conviction is time in prison. The long-lasting effects, even when released, include difficulty in finding housing or employment.

What The Law's experience with fraud charges can lend itself well to your case, no matter how unique. Let us build your defence and help you handle these charges.


Theft includes two types – theft of items or property that exceeds $5,000.00 is the first. Theft of items or property with a value of less than $5,000.00 is the second. Prison time can apply if you are convicted of the less severe type.

Yet, you can receive longer punishments with more severe theft convictions. In a circumstance like this, you can encounter travel restrictions and might not be able to travel abroad due to visa regulations. A conviction may also make finding employment challenging.

Working with criminal defence lawyers in Brockville at What The Law will ensure you receive a strong defence. Contact us to receive legal support.


The severity of robbery is more elevated than theft because of the included violence in the action. It involves intending to seize an individual's possessions without asking them and is an indictable offence because of the violence involved. 

Threats and weapons use can be a part of this crime. Serious consequences such as years in prison can result from a conviction due to prohibited firearm use in the act.

If you are going through a robbery charge in Brockville, Ontario, we can help. Trust What The Law to defend you and navigate this legal matter for you.

Murder and Manslaughter

Imprisonment can result from a murder and manslaughter conviction. Yet, many types of charges exist in this context. Examples of murder charges include first- and second-degree murder. First-degree murder involves the planned action of killing another person. Second-degree murder is unplanned, but deliberate. It can happen in moments of tension in heated contexts.

Manslaughter charges result from the unintentional death of another person. Each of these convictions can lead to prison sentences. Life sentences without parole for 25 years are one potential result of murder convictions.

Our criminal defence lawyers in Brockville recognize the seriousness of this charge. We will mount a formidable defence that matches your case to support you.

Why Choose What The Law's Brockville Criminal Lawyers?

What makes What The Law's Brockville criminal lawyers a good match for your case?

Since What The Law was founded, defending client's rights has been our goal. Our commitment to ensuring you receive a just trial is unwavering. We are also great believers in the presumption of innocence, so as we work on your case, we will mount our defence in line with this premise.

We know that the uniqueness of your case requires a tailored approach. We use the specific details of your case to build a staunch defence using our experience. What The Law will always work for the best outcome. 

Alongside our commitment to your case, our knowledge of criminal law works in your favour. We know the Criminal Code inside and out. We will apply this when defending your case.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Legal Rights Do I Have when Arrested in Brockville, Ontario?

Knowing the reasons for the arrest is one legal right you have if arrested in Brockville. Other rights include being able to receive legal counsel and to consult with a lawyer. You are legally allowed to remain silent if arrested. Wait for your lawyer to support you.

How Can I Select Criminal Defence Lawyers in Brockville?

Experience is fundamental in a criminal defence lawyer team. It's crucial to look for a lawyer who fully understands the type of charge. You should also look for a lawyer you can trust. What The Law will help you determine whether our lawyers are a good fit through our free initial consultation.

What Fees Apply with Criminal Defence Lawyers in Brockville?

Not all law firms charge the same fees. What you pay will depend on the firm you select. What makes What The Law unique in terms of fees is our flexible payment models. We also ensure there are never hidden fees. Since we also use a flat rate, you always know what you are going to pay.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Brockville

Any criminal charges can make you fearful for your future and will be overwhelming. Our committed specialized team makes it our goal to minimize the stress with strong defences in various cases, backing you throughout each stage.

Contact What The Law for more facts on our team and work. Set up your consultation with a criminal defence lawyer in Brockville today.