Fort Erie Criminal Lawyers

Are you facing criminal charges in Fort Erie? A criminal case is never easy to cope with. It can impact your life severely. For offences in Fort Erie, however, What The Law is available. Our team comprises Fort Erie criminal lawyers who are seasoned in all elements of the Criminal Code.

We are able to use this knowledge of criminal law to prepare an unwavering defence. So, from the disclosure review through to pre-trial and the final decision, we are proud to defend your rights, help you navigate hearings and more.

Learn how our criminal defence lawyers in Fort Erie can help your case.

Criminal Defence Lawyers in Fort Erie

Our What The Law team consists of criminal defence lawyers in Fort Erie who are all well versed in all aspects of criminal law. This experience means you can confidently entrust your case to us if you are facing charges. We will put in maximum effort to make sure the fairest and lowest penalties apply to you.

What The Law fully understands the challenging nature of being charged with a crime. You need to understand the result of a conviction, which can seriously affect your employment prospects and housing opportunities. The stress can leave you feeling disheartened and dejected. We strive for the most favourable and optimum outcome to ensure such consequences don't impact your life.

A free consultation is available to help you learn how our team operates. It's our aim to help you know if you are comfortable with our approach and services with this consultation.

Our Criminal Defence Services in Fort Erie

We provide a spectrum of criminal defence services in Fort Erie. We give you the backing of criminal lawyers no matter how specific your case is.

Assault and Threat of Assault

Assault is one of the most highly severe violations. It includes threat of assault, so a penalty can apply even if the accused receives a conviction for making a threat and wants to inflict harm. Types of assault are simple assault and domestic assault.

If you have been on the receiving end of an assault charge in Fort Erie, our team has the knowledge to mount a solid defence for you, no matter the type of assault, as we have experience in a wide scope of such cases.

Driving Offences

Examples of driving offences according to the Criminal Code are impaired driving and dangerous driving. It can include circumstances where your blood alcohol level is over a certain limit.

In the most severe outcome, prison time can apply. However, as a result of less severe convictions, you risk losing your license or paying a significant fine. For that reason, the right defence is important. At What The Law, we have a track record of defending case after case related to driving offences and are here for your unique case as well.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

A weapons offence includes the involvement of a firearm and can include other types of weapons. These cases are not easy to navigate and the complexity and intricate elements of this offence means acting without a lawyer will not work to your advantage. 

The What The Law team has handled a wide range of weapons cases, each unique and different. We are available and prepared to help you as well.


Acting with intent to defraud someone financially or with financial information is fraud. You may be brought to court with a charge for fraud valued at under $5,000.00 or for fraud over $5,000.00. Being found guilty can lead to time in prison, but may also lead to a criminal record.

After a conviction for fraud valued at over $5,000.00, more significant consequences apply and longer jail sentences. Once released, you may encounter obstacles with immigration applications or being accepted as a tenant and having background checks completed.

Our Fort Erie criminal lawyers are here to ensure you don't need to face consequences like these. We can help and defend you.


Being brought to court with a theft charge can fall into two categories, including a charge for theft worth under $5,000.00 or for theft valued at over $5,000.00. Even the less serious theft valued at under $5,000.00 comes with consequences, such as several months of prison time.

Despite having served your time, the conviction can still have a detrimental effect on your life. What The Law has navigated thousands of cases like these and will launch a staunch defence to ensure the outcome of your case is fair.


Compared with theft, robbery charges are serious. This charge involves actions such as seizing another person's possessions or property and committing a violent act in the process. 

Convictions in this area can lead to incarceration. Criminal records can follow, but with a Fort Erie criminal lawyer from What The Law, you can navigate the case successfully as we aim to get you the best result.

Murder and Manslaughter

The likelihood of prison time for a murder charge is incredibly high. The charge may include an intent to kill with a pre-planned action. This type of scenario might be classed as first-degree murder. However, different types of charges exist, including second-degree murder and manslaughter.

All of these charges are serious. We know the severity of this scenario and have experience working on murder and manslaughter cases in Fort Erie.

Why Work With What The Law's Criminal Defence Lawyers in Fort Erie?

What are the advantages of working with What The Law's criminal defence lawyers in Fort Erie?

Not only is our firm completely aware of potential rights infringements that can happen when you are unaware of your rights, we are also here to protect and defend them in this challenging circumstance. We want to ensure that no rights violations happen in your case.

What The Law will presume you are innocent from the outset. We are on your side and want this experience to be as stress-free as possible. That is why we will create the strongest defence possible that reflects the specific details of the circumstance.

We do not want to add to your stresses when it comes to payment. We therefore offer the option to make payments in line with a flexible payment model. We also focus on transparency in our work and in our fees. You will never find a hidden fee added to your bill when you work with What The Law.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Best Way to Choose a Law Firm?

Checking the firm's capabilities and relevant prior experience are two of the ideal ways to choose a law firm. Consider how they build client relationships from the first consultation. So that you can get a clearer idea of how What The Law achieves this, your initial consultation will reveal more about our process and will not cost you anything.

How Much Does a Fort Erie Criminal Lawyer Cost?

Fort Erie criminal lawyers will have their own rates. They will be different from firm to firm, and with complex cases, costs can also be different. What we offer at What The Law are free consultations and the option to make payments on a flexible basis to increase the accessibility of our legal representation services.

Which Actions Should I Take if I am Arrested in Fort Erie

Our best advice for this scenario is that staying calm is fundamental. If you are arrested in Fort Erie, a legal right to remain silent applies. Your actions should include reaching out to a lawyer, and since we are available constantly, you can rely on What The Law to guide you.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Fort Erie

The road to avoiding a criminal record that is severe can be intense and overwhelming. Yet, if you're looking for criminal defence lawyers in Fort Erie, What The Law should be your first port of call. It doesn't matter the charge type, it's our goal to provide a firm defence that will greatly favour your case.

Don't hesitate to call What The Law today. Book your free consultation with our criminal defence lawyers in Fort Erie.