Sudbury Criminal Lawyers

If you are subjected to a criminal charge in Sudbury, you may feel powerless and concerned about the outcome. The law is complex. Consequences such as jail time or a criminal record can be frightening. It's always best to get the support and legal representation from Sudbury criminal lawyers who are entirely familiar with criminal law and have extensive experience to ensure you receive justice.

What The Law is prepared and willing to mount your defence, helping you handle the process.

We are an experienced law firm serving Sudbury and throughout Ontario and strongly advocate for fair trials and the right legal representation. Find out, just below, the legal matters and case work we complete in the Sudbury area.

Criminal Defence Lawyers in Sudbury

Our team is composed of criminal defence lawyers in Sudbury. We've worked in all aspects of criminal law. Supporting our clients, we are available from the moment of arrest to the moment they are due in court.

What The Law's main focus is always to help you get the most favourable outcome. It can mean getting reasonable consequences for you or even ensuring the case is cleared. We know that if you are charged with a criminal offence, you need to know your entitlements and rights to avoid infringements. What The Law makes it our priority to defend your rights, no matter the case.

It doesn't matter who we work with, each client facing criminal charges has the chance to receive a free consultation with us. We understand the high costs involved with getting the right legal representation may seem daunting. So, we make such services accessible with flexible arrangements for payment.

Our Criminal Law Services in Sudbury

We extend various criminal law services in Sudbury to our clients. No matter your charge, our team has the experience to offer the right legal guidance.

Assault and Threat of Assault

The intentional use of force upon an individual, where that force has not been consented to can lead to an assault charge. The threat of force directed at another individual, where there is the ability to put the threat into action can lead to a threat of assault charge.

The variety of charges is vast and includes domestic assault and sexual assault. There are also two other main types, including aggravated and simple assault. The consequences can affect your life well into the future.

Entrust your case to What The Law. We can ensure your assault charge does not end in disastrous consequences.

Driving Offences

Similar to assault, the variety of charges for driving offences is vast. Some instances are dangerous driving, driving under the influence, impaired driving, among many others. The severity of a conviction will be determined by a few factors. Previous driving convictions and blood alcohol levels will come into play.

Resulting in a license suspension, driving offence convictions place restrictions on your mobility and freedom, since you will not be able to use a car. What The Law has previously defended every type of driving case and can work with you to defend you as well.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

Canadian law is complex in the context of firearms and weapons offences. It covers a few offences, including weapons trafficking and the careless use of a weapon. Owning a restricted or prohibited firearm are also common firearms and weapons cases.

It is due to the complex nature of such cases that working with a Sudbury criminal lawyer is important. Criminal defence lawyers in Sudbury will understand the subtleties of this charge. They can help you.


If there is evidence that a dishonest act or intent to deceive has led to a victim's financial losses, this can count as a fraud charge. Such charges are divided into two categories. It can be fraud worth less than $5,000.00. Or it can be a more severe case of fraud worth more than $5,000.00.

Sudbury criminal defence lawyers will aim to disprove the intent to deceive or other elements involved in the case to ensure the consequences are not severe. What The Law has navigated fraud cases for both types of charge and can support your case with the right defence.


Theft has two categories. The charge may be for a case worth less than $5,000.00 or more than $5,000.00. Consequences lesser in severity can apply to the former. It can include a fine or time in prison. However, such convictions still impact your life if you receive a criminal record, and this can also be determined by things such as previous convictions.

Convictions for such charges can severely impact your ease of travel or finding a job. That is why it is always best to employ the support of a criminal lawyer such as our team at What The Law. They have experience in both types of charge.


A robbery charge is not just the act of depriving an individual of their property. It includes a violent act in the process or the use of weapons. With such actions, the punishment that results from this is often jail time. 

Our criminal lawyers in Sudbury have successfully handled a range of robbery cases. This experience means we are fully capable of defending you against robbery charges.

Murder and Manslaughter

Murder and manslaughter are serious, grave offences. It can include unintentional actions as well as first- and second-degree murder. The intentions of the accused determine the type of offence. Convictions can be highly severe and affect you for the rest of your life.

If you have received a murder charge in Sudbury, you may be feeling overwhelmed. At What The Law, we can minimize the stress as we work with you on this case. Our experience in a range of murder and manslaughter defence work means we are ready to give you the advice and backing required.

Why Work With What The Law's Criminal Defence Lawyers in Sudbury?

So, what is ideal about working with What The Law's criminal defence lawyers in Sudbury?

There are no identical cases and we know that your case will be unique. With this in mind, we will mount a defence that is entirely individualized. We work on the strongest possible defence and will protect your rights from the beginning until the end.

As we conduct our defence work, we work using the presumption of innocence. We believe in the concept that all individuals are innocent until proven guilty. We won't forget this as we work with you.

We want the entire process to be accessible and stress-free, even when it comes to payment, for every client we work with. That is why we implement a flat rate fee and focus on keeping all payment-related factors transparent. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How Can I Know if a Law Firm is Ideal for My Case in Sudbury?

To know if a law firm is ideal for your case in Sudbury you are going to need to look at the experience it offers. Question whether the lawyers have specific experience for charges such as the ones you have received. Then, it is a case of considering whether you feel confident entrusting the case to them. For this reason, our free consultations are extended to clients. We want you to you feel comfortable with our services.

What is the Cost of a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Sudbury?

In Sudbury, the cost of criminal defence lawyers will depend on a few factors. Different firms charge different fees. Case complexity can also affect the cost. What The Law knows that costs can make some services inaccessible. So we offer a flat rate and payment structures that align with your budget.

Which Actions Should I Take if I am Arrested in Sudbury?

You may feel highly stressed if you are arrested in Sudbury – but you should try to stay calm. Remaining silent until your lawyer arrives is our recommendation. If you choose What The Law, we can help you through this challenging situation and offer legal representation for your specific case.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Sudbury

Being charged with a criminal offence can fill you with dread, but experienced criminal defence lawyers in Sudbury can support you. What The Law's Sudbury criminal lawyers dedicate themselves to ensuring the defence you receive is strong. It is our focus to ensure you receive a favourable outcome.

Contact What The Law today for more information about our Sudbury criminal defence legal services.