Dryden Criminal Lawyers

If you are charged with a crime in Dryden, you may be feeling scared and overwhelmed. An arrest comes with the prospect of court dates, bail hearings, and more. This can be terrifying if you don't have the support of Dryden criminal lawyers. At What The Law, we're committed to supporting all of our clients through all the stages of a criminal matter.

What The Law is a law firm working across Ontario, including in Dryden. We have a vast amount of experience in criminal charges and have successfully defended many clients. We believe in your right to a fair trial and representation, and we will defend your rights at all times.

For more information on the legal matters we work with in Dryden, please continue reading.

Criminal Defence Lawyers Dryden

Our law office consists of a team of criminal defence lawyers in Dryden. We work across Ontario defending clients in a range of criminal matters, so we can offer you a steadfast defence, whatever the charge.

Our team is dedicated to getting the best possible outcome for you, whether this is getting your case thrown out or consequences that are fair and don't infringe on your rights. Many times, when clients don't have an understanding of their rights, they may find they have been violated. We're determined to stop this from happening and ensure that we always protect your rights.

AT What The Law, we offer a free initial consultation that includes a disclosure review to prospective clients. We also have flat rate fees and flexible payment plans so that anyone who needs our services can access them.

Our Criminal Law Services in Dryden

At What The Law, we give high-quality legal advice and offer passionate and robust defences to all of our clients. Find out more about the criminal charges we offer services for below.

Assault and Threat of Assault

In Canada, assault charges involve the intentional application of force to another person without their consent or the threat of force in a situation where the accused has the ability to carry out the threat. While this is the definition of assault, there are many different kinds of assault under the assault banner in the Canadian Criminal Code.

Assault charges include simple assault, threat of assault, aggravated assault, domestic assault, and sexual assault. Each charge has different consequences depending on the severity of the crime and the unique circumstances. However, if you're found guilty of assault in any capacity, you will end up with a criminal record.

What The Law has extensive experience successfully defending assault charges, and we can do so for you, too.

Driving Offences

Driving offences in Canada cover a range of charges, including driving under the influence (DUI), dangerous driving, and impaired driving. Each charge is different and can vary in meaning depending on everything from blood alcohol levels to whether an accident occurred. The consequences for a guilty conviction also vary.

If you are convicted of a driving offence in Dryden, you face a license suspension, which will have catastrophic consequences for your day-to-day life. Additionally, a conviction for a particularly severe driving charge could result in prison time.

What The Law has experience defending driving charges, and we can help you too.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

A weapons charge in Canada most often refers to an offence involving a firearm. It could be everything from unauthorized possession of a weapon to the trafficking of guns. This area of the law is highly complex and requires the support of an experienced weapons defence lawyer.

The team of Dryden defence lawyers at What The Law have extensive knowledge in this area of the law and can help build a robust defence for your case.


Fraud is divided into two different charges under Canadian law. These are fraud under $5,000 and fraud over $5,000.00. Even though the former change is less serious, a conviction for either kind of fraud will result in a criminal record and often some prison time.

Being convicted of fraud can limit your options when it comes to housing, jobs, and more. Let What The Law defend your case today so you don't have to suffer these lifelong consequences.


Theft is another charge that is split in two by the Canadian Criminal Code. This means there is theft under $5,000 and theft over $5,000.00. As with fraud, the lesser charges don't mean there are no consequences. In fact, a conviction of theft under $5,000.00 will still leave you with a criminal record, which could hinder your ability to get a job.

What The Law can provide professional legal representation to defend you if you have been charged with theft..


Robbery is a serious charge because it often involves an element of violence. A conviction will almost definitely result in prison time and will leave you with a criminal record for life. Even after spending time in prison, you will still feel the effects of this kind of charge.

If you have been charged with robbery, contact What The Law, we will create a steadfast defence for you.

Manslaughter and Murder

Being charged with manslaughter or murder in Dryden is very serious. The charges differ depending on the intent of the accused. If you have been charged with either, you'll likely be aware that you face serious consequences that could have a huge impact on your entire life.

What The Law has defended both criminal charges of murder and manslaughter, we have the legal experience and will protect your rights.

Why Choose What The Law's Legal Services

What makes What the Law the right criminal law firm in Dryden for you to choose?

To begin with, we're committed to the presumption of innocence. This means we will always conduct your defence under the presumption that you are innocent. We will defend your rights and ensure that you get a fair trial throughout.

We understand that every criminal case is different in Dryden, too, so every case we take on gets the focus and attention it deserves. We will build an individualized defence for each and every client we work with.

We're also transparent about our prices. We offer a flat rate fee so that you know exactly what you're paying from the outset. We won’t blindside you with hidden fees, and we offer flexible payment plans, too.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Much Will a Criminal Lawyer Cost in Dryden?

A criminal lawyer in Dryden can vary in cost depending on the law firm you work with. If you choose What The Law, we are committed to being transparent about our pricing model. We will give you our flat rate fee and ensure there are no hidden costs. We also offer a flexible payment plan so that you don't need to worry about paying for criminal defence with the stress of a trial looming.

What Should I Do If I am Arrested in Dryden?

If you've been arrested, the first thing to do is remain calm and remain silent. You have the right to remain silent until a lawyer is present, and this is always the best thing to do.

The team at What The Law is on call night and day to be by our clients' side if they are arrested. We will get to you ASAP and ensure that your rights are not violated during the arrest process.

How Do I Choose the Best Criminal Defence Lawyers in Dryden?

We always recommend going with a lawyer who has experience with the charges you are facing. At What The Law, we have a vast amount of experience, which means we can defend any type of criminal charge. We also offer a free initial consultation which includes a disclosure review..

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Dryden

Facing criminal charges can be terrifying, but at What The Law, we're committed to supporting you and building a robust criminal defence that ensures the fairest consequences.

Contact the team at What The Law today to set up your free consultation with a criminal defence lawyer in Dryden.