Elliot Lake Criminal Lawyers

The prospect of facing legal charges in Elliot Lake can be a daunting, nerve-wracking experience. You may need to navigate bail hearings and face court dates. None of this is easy, and it can be stressful without Elliot Lake criminal lawyers. With the right legal advice, these requirements get easier, and What The Law is committed to helping you through criminal charges.

Working in Ontario and in Elliot Lake, What The Law is a law firm that has defended clients with successful outcomes. We have in-depth knowledge of criminal law and will use this knowledge to defend your rights from the start to the end.

To gain further information about our legal services and experience, keep reading.

Criminal Defence Lawyers in Elliot Lake

At What The Law, our team is made up of criminal defence lawyers in Elliot Lake. We can offer a robust defence for a vast range of criminal charges and can offer our services to you, no matter the charge you may have received.

We know that rights infringement is one result of not understanding your entitlements. That is why we work to achieve fair consequences and ensure your rights are not infringed upon by keeping you informed of said rights and mounting the strongest defence. 

As part of our services, a free initial consultation is available. This will help you determine whether our services match your needs, offering transparency in how we operate. It features a disclosure review.

Our Criminal Defence Services in Elliot Lake

Our criminal defense services in Elliot Lake reflect how passionate we are in standing by our clients and defending their rights. Learn more about the criminal defence services we offer just below.

Assault and Threat of Assault

In assault and threat of assault, there is an intention to inflict harm. A victim involved in this case will not have consented to this harm. However, no matter if you commit a threat of assault or actually inflict harm, charges can still be made.

Instances of assault are sexual or aggravated assault. In a case that involves sexual assault, as stated by the Criminal Code violence or threats are committed for non-consensual sex. In an aggravated assault case, serious injuries are involved.

Both can lead to jail time as a result of a conviction. However, to avoid this outcome and receive a fair trial and reliable representation, reach out to What The Law so we can commence work on your defence.

Driving Offences

Drunk driving and driving under the influence are common examples of driving offences. Two other types are impaired driving and driving hazardously. Impaired driving, for example, means operating a vehicle with a certain blood alcohol level that is higher than the limit.

There are some tough penalties for driving offences. If it's your first offence, a suspended licence and a penalty fine can apply. If it's your second offence, the fine increases and the duration of the license suspension increases. You will even need to attend a program in education for driving.

What The Law's Elliot Lake criminal lawyers are prepared to mount the right defence for your driving offence charge. Confide in us to navigate the case successfully for you.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

As stated by the Criminal Code, there are several categories of weapons. This includes restricted and non-restricted types. It also includes prohibited weapons, and using them can lead to a firearms and weapons offence. Due to the intricacies of Canadian law in this area, reaching out to a lawyer for legal representation is highly advised.

At What The Law, our criminal defence lawyers operating in Elliot Lake have handled countless cases such as firearms and weapons offences. Our law office and Elliot Lake criminal lawyers can prepare a defence that will help you receive fair treatment and a just trial.


A fraud charge applies to anyone who deceitfully defrauds an individual, taking property or money from them in the process. Imprisonment can be the result, but the duration will depend on the type of fraud, of which there are cases that include amounts more than or less than $5,000.00.

Getting the right defence in this instance will require defence lawyers and legal representation. What The Law will defend you, with the goal of ensuring you get a fair outcome for such a case.


A theft charge may have two types, but they both lead to disastrous consequences. Charges can include the theft of items adding up to more than $5,000.00. Alternatively, it can include the theft of items adding up to less than $5,000.00.

Convictions for this and a criminal record inhibit the chances of easily finding a job. It can also limit your chances of getting housing.

Our extensive experience with theft cases means that we are able to create a successful defence to make sure these consequences are limited in severity.


The Criminal Code of Canada states that stealing and implementing violent acts to harm the victim is robbery. It can include making a threat while stealing. In some instances, the accused can be armed with a weapon.

Violence in this case makes the crime even worse. Since it can be an indictable offence, the consequences are very severe. Jail time and a criminal record can be the result, lasting long into the future.

If you are facing or having to deal with a robbery charge, What The Law is here. We can build an unyielding, firm defence for you.

Murder and Manslaughter

Criminal negligence and unlawful acts are two categories of manslaughter, while first- and second-degree murder are two classifications of murder. Each of these are incredibly serious charges, and grave consequences can happen to you if you receive a conviction.

The consequences can depend on the charge, with one of the most severe outcomes being an automatic life sentence. This applies to a planned, intentional first-degree murder charge.

What The Law can help in getting you the ideal resolution for your case. Call our murder and manslaughter lawyers for a strong defence.

Why Choose What The Law's Criminal Defence Lawyers in Elliot Lake?

Why are What The Law's criminal defence lawyers in Elliot Lake a good match for your case?

Firstly, our great belief in the presumption of innocence forms our process and guides our defence approach. It means we represent you and presume that you are not guilty of the charges as we do so. We aim to get the optimal outcome for your specific case.

We are aware that no criminal case is the same as another in the Elliot Lake location and Canada. No matter the case we work on, we treat it with great attention to detail. Part of this approach means that any case we work on will have a unique, personalized defence.

We know that accessibility in legal services is important, so we offer a payment plan that you can easily make – it is a flexible model and we never catch you off guard with a hidden fee.

Frequently Asked Questions

Which Actions Should I Take if I am Arrested in Elliot Lake?

The best actions you should take if arrested in Elliot Lake are to stay silent and calm. This aligns with your rights, as you do not need to say anything until a lawyer is with you. At What The Law, we are available at all hours and on call to be available to support you. We will help ensure your rights are not infringed upon.

How Will I Know if a Law Firm is Ideal for My Criminal Charge?

Looking for specific factors will help you know if a law firm is ideal for your criminal charge. Find out if your criminal defence lawyer in Elliot Lake has previously handled a case that is similar to yours. It's also important to know that you can entrust your case to them and feel confident in their abilities. What The Law will help you determine this through our free consultation; we are a firm you can confide in.

What Fees Are Involved with Criminal Defence Lawyers in Elliot Lake?

Criminal defence lawyers in Elliot Lake will have their own charges, which can use a specific model for pricing. Selecting What The Law will mean receiving a flat rate fee. Using a flexible payment model, we ensure there is less stress when it comes to making your payment, as we understand that this can be an overwhelming situation.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Elliot Lake

The stress you feel when receiving a criminal charge can be unpleasant and might make you feel hopeless. However, What The Law is committed to getting you the fairest, most just consequences and prioritize defending your rights.

Contact What The Law. Arrange a free consultation with us and hand your case over to our criminal defence lawyers in Elliot Lake.