Kingston Criminal Lawyers

Facing criminal charges in Kingston can be a scary thing to deal with, which is why having the support of a Kingston criminal lawyer is essential. The team at What The Law can guide you through the full legal process, including court dates, bail hearings, and more.

As a team, we're dedicated to offering robust legal services to anyone charged with a criminal offence in Kingston. We believe in the presumption of innocence and will ensure the consequences you face, if any, are fair.

Find out more about the type of criminal cases we can represent in Kingston below.

Criminal Defence Lawyers, Kingston

What The Law is a team of criminal defence lawyers in Kingston and also working across Ontario. We've worked on legal matters across the criminal spectrum, and we can offer dedicated support, no matter the criminal charge you're facing.

We offer a free initial consultation with disclosure review and will ensure your right to a fair trial and representation. We're committed to protecting your rights and ensuring that they are not violated during the legal process.

What The Law is proud to offer total fee transparency too. We use a flat rate fee and flexible repayment models so that you can get the criminal defence you need without having to worry about hidden fees and large legal bills.

Our Criminal Law Services in Kingston

Our experience is very diverse, so we can offer services across a range of criminal matters. Below are just some of the areas of the law we defend in Kingston.

Assault and Threat of Assault

Assault charges in Canada involved the application of force to another individual without their consent or the threat of such force where the accused could actually carry out the threat. This definition means that the assault umbrella includes many different charges.

Assault charges you may face in Kingston include simple assault, threat of assault, aggravated assault, domestic assault, and sexual assault. We have experience in all kinds of assault charges, and we can defend your case successfully.

Driving Offences

Driving offences can include driving under the influence (DUI), dangerous driving, and impaired driving. Each charge differs depending on the blood alcohol level of the accused, whether an accident happened, and if the driver has any prior convictions. The consequences are also different for each driving offence, but you will almost always lose your license for at least a short period.

What The Law can limit the disruptions to your life by defending your case and ensuring any outcomes are fair.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

Weapons offences are incredibly complex, and you will need a criminal defence lawyer with expertise in the area to defend your case. At What The Law, we've covered a variety of weapons offences, including unauthorized possession and weapons trafficking, so we have the knowledge and expertise to defend you, too.


Fraud involves the intentional deception or misrepresentation by an individual for financial gain or to cause loss to another party. The prosecution will need to prove a number of factors, including that there was intent to deceive and that the deceit resulted in harm.

Our vast experience in the area of fraud means that we can defend your case successfully and help you avoid severe consequences.


Theft is split into two charges, which are theft under $5,000.00 and theft over $5,000.00. While the lesser charge might mean less serious consequences, it is still likely you'll have a criminal record for life. A criminal record for theft can have detrimental impacts on your life, making it harder for you to get a job, find a home, and more.

What The Law can defend your theft charge and ensure you don't face these lifelong consequences.


Robbery is a serious crime involving the threat of violence against a person in order to steal their property. In some cases, robbery includes the use of a weapon. It is a serious criminal matter, and the consequences of conviction can be lifelong.

It is likely that upon conviction, you will spend time in prison, among other penalties, and their severity will depend on everything from the violence used, the property stolen, and the criminal history of the accused.

What The Law has worked on numerous robbery cases over the years with success, so we can provide a robust defence and ensure any consequences you face are just.

Murder and Manslaughter

Murder and manslaughter are both serious charges that differ in the intent of the accused. Facing this kind of criminal charge in Kingston is incredibly overwhelming and stressful. At What The Law, we understand this and are ready to support you through the whole legal process. We've worked on many murder and manslaughter cases successfully and will support you, too.

Why Choose Legal Representation From What The Law in Kingston?

What The Law is proud to work under the presumption of innocence. We're dedicated to this value and work hard to protect your rights and ensure you get a fair trial. We have seen what might happen if a client doesn't know their rights, and we're committed to ensuring they are not violated at any point during the legal process.

We offer pricing transparency, too. We know how difficult it can be going through a criminal matter, so we make the payment simple. We have a flat rate fee and no hidden costs. We also offer flexible payment plans.

What The Law has experience working across the criminal landscape, so whatever your charges, we're able to handle them and ensure the consequences you face are fair.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Should I Do if I am Arrested in Kingston?

If you're arrested in Kingston, it is important you remain calm and silent. Once your lawyer arrives, they will direct you on when to speak to ensure things run smoothly. At What The Law, we work 24/7 to ensure all of our clients can contact us when they need us.

How Do I Choose a Law Firm in Kingston?

Choosing a law firm in Kingston can be difficult, but we have a few recommendations. Firstly, always choose someone with experience in the area in which you face charges. Secondly, it is important you feel comfortable with the lawyers you work with. We offer a free initial consultation for this reason so that any prospective clients can meet us and ensure they want to work with us before we charge them anything.

How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in Kingston?

A criminal lawyer can vary in price depending on which law firm you choose. At What The Law, we make cost easy. We give you a flat rate fee so you know how much your bill will be, and we don't have any hidden costs either. We also offer flexibility in our payment plans so that you can pay for our services in a way that suits you.

Criminal Defence Lawyers in Kingston With What The Law

If you need criminal defence lawyers in Kingston, then you've found us. We're an experienced and passionate team ready to protect your rights and get you justice.

Contact What The Law today for more information and to book your free consultation.