Muskoka Criminal Lawyers

Being charged with a crime in Muskoka can be a scary experience, particularly if you're alone. The Muskoka criminal lawyers at What The Law can give you the support and guidance you need to navigate the complex world of Canadian criminal laws.

What The Law is a team of experienced criminal defence lawyers working in Muskoka and across Ontario. We can support you from the time of your arrest all the way through bail hearings, court dates, and more. We'll defend your rights throughout the entire time and ensure you get the fairest outcome.

Find out more about the work we do in Muskoka below.

Criminal Defence Lawyers, Muskoka

If you're looking for criminal defence lawyers in Muskoka, then look no further than What The Law. Our team has experience across a range of criminal offences and can defend your case and get you a fair outcome.

We're committed to the presumption of innocence, and our entire team operates under the assumption that you are innocent from the outset of our work together. We're a steadfast defender of each Canadian citizen's rights, too. We have found that many people don't know their rights, so it is easy for them to be violated. We will protect your rights at all costs and ensure you get a fair trial, no matter the charge.

On top of our steadfast defence work, we're also transparent about costs. We offer a flat rate fee and flexible payment models so that all of our clients can access robust criminal defence services when they need them.

Our Criminal Law Services in Muskoka

We work in various areas of the criminal code. Below, we've explored the services that we can offer Muskoka residents.

Assault and Threat of Assault

Assault in Canada refers to the intentional application of force to another person without their consent or the threat of such force in a situation where the accused has the ability to carry out the threat.

Many types of assault changes fall under this banner, including simple assault, aggravated assault, domestic assault, sexual assault and threat of assault. Each differs slightly in definition and consequences, but a conviction for any of them can have lifelong implications.

Let What The Law defend your assault case today to ensure you get fair and just consequences.

Driving Offences

Driving offences include DUI, dangerous driving, and impaired driving, among others. Each driving offence has a slightly different definition, and the outcomes of each charge will vary greatly depending on factors like whether an accident occurred, whether the accused had prior driving convictions, and the blood alcohol level of the accused.

A driving conviction will always result in a license suspension, even a short one. But losing your license can have huge implications for the rest of your life. For instance, you will lose the freedom a car offers, have to use public transport, and may even struggle with things like child pickup.

What The Law has experience with driving offences, so we can offer your case a steadfast defence.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

Weapons and firearms offences are incredibly complex. Due to this, it is always recommended that you work with an experienced criminal lawyer. What The Law has worked on cases from unauthorized possession of a firearm to the trafficking of weapons, so we have the experience to help you in this area of the law.


Fraud is split into two different charges. These are fraud under $5,000.00 and fraud over $5,000.00. While the former is a less severe charge, it does not mean the consequences of a conviction are not serious. In fact, even a conviction of a lesser charge can have a huge impact on your ability to find work and a place to live, even after you have paid the consequences.


Theft involves taking someone's possessions without their consent and is split by monetary value, just like fraud. Theft charges include theft under $5,000.00 and theft over $5,000.00.

A theft conviction will inhibit your ability to conduct your life as you previously have. You may find it more difficult to find employment and even travel to different countries because of some visa regulations. Let What The Law defend your case today.


Robbery often involves an element of violence, making it more severe than simple theft. The consequences, therefore, are often much more severe, and a conviction will likely result in you spending time in prison.

Contact the criminal defence lawyers at What The Law to defend you against your robbery charges.

Murder and Manslaughter

Murder and manslaughter are both extremely serious offences in the Canadian Criminal Code. The two charges differ slightly with regard to the intent of the accused, but both will result in prison time upon conviction.

What The Law understands the seriousness of this kind of charge and will create a robust defence of your case.

Why Choose Our Law Firm in Muskoka

What makes What The Law a great option for your criminal defence in Muskoka?

To begin with, we're always working to protect your rights. At What The Law, our law firm in Muskoka, has seen what can happen when someone doesn't fully understand their rights, and we want to protect you at all costs. We will be steadfast in our protection of your rights to a fair trial and representation, and we'll always make certain that any consequences you face are fair and just.

We're committed believers in the presumption of innocence. This means that we conduct your entire case under the presumption of your innocence and will create an individualized defence for your unique case.

What The Law is also committed to transparency in our pricing model. We don't hide fees, and you won't be shocked by your bill. We have a flat rate fee and offer flexible payment options to ensure all our clients can access the criminal defence they deserve.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I Choose a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Muskoka?

A criminal defence lawyer should be someone you can trust. We recommend choosing a lawyer with expertise in the criminal charges you face, as well as someone you feel comfortable with. At What The Law, we offer every client a free initial consultation so that they can get to know us without spending anything.

How Much Does a Criminal Lawyer Cost in Muskoka?

Criminal lawyers can vary in price depending on who you choose to work with. We're proud of our price transparency at What The Law and offer flexible repayment models so that anyone who needs criminal defence can afford it. We use a flat rate fee, so you're not going to be shocked by hidden fees.

What Should I Do if I am Arrested in Muskoka?

If you're arrested in Muskoka, you must remain calm and await direction from your lawyer. You have the right to remain silent, and we recommend doing so until your lawyer arrives. At What The Law, we work around the clock, so if you're arrested, we can be there to support you.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Muskoka

If you're looking for a team of committed criminal defence lawyers in Muskoka, then you've found us. What the Law is dedicated to offering robust defences in a wide range of criminal charges and offering transparency at every step.

Contact the team at What The Law today to find out more about our work and book your free consultation.