Cornwall Criminal Lawyers

Our What The Law law firm offers extensive legal services for criminal charges and cases in Cornwall; if you are seeking legal representation for bail hearings or have been charged with a criminal offence in Cornwall, and are highly concerned about your case, our team is on hand to create your defence.

At What The Law, we are adept in criminal law. When defending your case, we use this knowledge alongside the presumption you are not guilty to aim for the best possible results. You can trust us to navigate your case and remain on your side from your first consultation until the final stages of the case.

Discover more on the legal services our Cornwall criminal lawyers offer below.

Criminal Defence Lawyers in Cornwall

Our team of criminal defence lawyers in Cornwall recognizes the stressful nature of receiving criminal charges. We work across Cornwall, and if a criminal case is facing you, we are committed to getting it resolved with the best outcomes possible. It's fundamental to have lawyers to support you, and this is what What The Law will offer.

We complete our case defences with the presumption of innocence. This means we will mount a defence with the full belief that you are not guilty and create a defence with our knowledge of the Criminal Code and experience with cases specific to your circumstance.

What The Law also aims to extend legal service accessibility to all clients. It's for this reason that we offer flat rates with full transparency on our fees. We want every client to know that our paying for our services is manageable and accessible.

Our Criminal Defence Services in Cornwall

We extend several criminal defence services in Cornwall as well as experience in a substantial range of case types. Several of the criminal defence services we provide in Cornwall can be found below.

Assault and Threat of Assault

Assault and threat of assault are serious violations. They can include sexual offences and domestic assault, and can also involve uttering threats. Since there is an intention to inflict harm, this can lead to grave consequences. An assault charge can still be valid, even when there is not an injury.

Since every assault or threat of assault is different, the penalties will also differ. Aggravated assault, for instance, may be viewed as an indictable conviction, and prison time can apply as a result of said conviction.

We have extensive experience in handling assault cases at What The Law. We can build a case and ensure you pass through the legal process with the right representation for your circumstance.

Driving Offences

Driving offences span a few types. They can include impaired driving or driving a motorized vehicle with a specific alcohol level. They may also involve dangerous driving or driving under the influence.

With the most serious driving offences, such as causing bodily harm to an individual, a few serious consequences can happen. A license suspension can apply and you may receive a criminal record. It is also possible that you could face time in jail.

What The Law's Cornwall criminal lawyers will defend your rights in cases like these. We will work to get the just outcome for you using our vast experience.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

Various factors are involved in a firearms and weapons offence. Some instances of this offence include carrying concealed weapons and possessing a restricted firearm. Another includes careless weapon use. Such cases are complex due to the fact that some weapons charges can also share a commonality with other offences.

Jail time can be the result of severe weapons charges and convictions. The best action to take if charged with a firearms and weapons offence is to contact a lawyer, and What The Law is one example of a team of criminal defence lawyers in Cornwall that can support you.


Two categories of fraud charges can apply to you. It can include tricking someone into giving money or possessions worth more than $5,000.00. It can involve cases with money or possessions valued at under $5,000.00. Insurance and identity fraud are some examples.

Years of prison time can be the result of criminal types of fraud worth more than $5,000.00 if convicted.

If you need guidance or legal counsel related to a fraud case, contact What The Law. Our team of Cornwall criminal lawyers can legally represent you and ensure you gain the defence you deserve.


The categorization types for theft are similar to fraud. Theft charges can refer to amounts in the value of lower than $5,000. It can refer to amounts and values that are more than $5,000.00. The serious nature of theft cases that are more than $5,000.00 is reflected in the sentence you can receive if convicted. Jail time can be the result.

Punishments can still be received if your theft charge relates to a crime in which less than $5,000.00 was stolen. Convictions can mean that charges show on a background check. It is also possible to receive a criminal record.

For cases like these, a criminal defence lawyer in Cornwall can help. What The Law is available with the right legal services and experience to support you.


The seriousness of robbery is due to the brutality or violent aggression that occurs in the act. It is a severe case, exceeding the seriousness of theft for this reason. It includes taking property or items from an individual and making threats or using a weapon.

Penalties can vary in such cases. If items worth under $5,000.00 are taken, the penalty will be less than for cases in which the items are worth over $5,000.00. 

At What The Law, our Cornwall criminal lawyers have represented clients in cases like these. We can defend your case and will fight to disprove the theft or assault elements of the charge to protect and support you. 

Murder and Manslaughter

Under Canadian law, murder is a highly serious charge. Different types exist, which come down to the intent behind the accused's actions. Manslaughter can be categorized into criminal negligence charges or unlawful acts, and sentences can range from imprisonment or probation.

In first-degree murder, the act has been intentional and planned. It might also include types such as sexual assault that leads to death. Second-degree murder happens deliberately but will not have been planned.

Defending clients against charges such as these is part of What The Law's experience. We can defend your case and ensure you receive fair treatment.

Why Choose What The Law's Criminal Defence Lawyers in Cornwall?

What makes What The Law's criminal defence lawyers in Cornwall a suitable option to defend against your charges?

At What The Law, we prioritize ensuring each client's rights are respected. It is our aim to ensure that throughout the legal process, your rights are upheld, no matter the charge. We are firm believers that trial processes should be just and fair. We understand that rights can be taken advantage of when clients do not clearly understand them, so we will ensure this outcome does not happen.

We will aim to get the most favourable outcome in your case, working toward the dismissal of charges or just consequences. For services such as these, tailor our defence building to the case, offering a personalized approach to protect you.

Our criminal defence lawyers in Cornwall offer you a free consultation. Through this consultation, we ensure you understand how we operate and make an informed decision about our services. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What Actions Should I Take if I Receive Criminal Charges in Cornwall?

If you've received criminal charges in Cornwall, it's best to remain composed and calm. Wait for your lawyer's advice, and remember that you are within your rights to remain silent. At What The Law, we are available at all hours and can offer guidance in scenarios where you receive charges.

How Long Does a Serious Criminal Offence Stay with You in Canada?

Serious criminal offences can potentially remain on your record for an indefinite amount of time. It can reflect the seriousness of the offence. This is one of the reasons getting a legal team is important, and What The Law will be able to help avoid such outcomes by defending your case.

What Fees Are Involved with Criminal Defence Lawyers in Cornwall?

Costs and fees will depend on the specific Cornwall criminal defence lawyers you ask to represent you. They may also have different fee models and charge you in different ways. What The Law offers a flat rate, meaning you can receive legal counsel without facing hidden fees. 

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Cornwall

From your initial free consultation through to the end of the case, What The Law's criminal defence lawyers in Cornwall are here and equipped to support you. We will mount a robust defence that aligns with your specific charge.

Contact What The Law to gain the backing of a team that will fight for your rights and to achieve the best outcome for your case.