Espanola Criminal Lawyers

If you are up against criminal charges in Espanola, navigating the legal process alone isn't recommended. You need the right criminal defence and experienced defence lawyers. Espanola criminal lawyers at What The Law can help with this. With the right legal advice, we can provide the legal guidance needed to handle the case.

Our team dedicates itself to providing robust criminal defences. No matter who you are or what charge you've received, our criminal defence lawyers in Espanola focus on ensuring you face only the fairest consequences, should you receive any.

Learn more about the criminal cases we have experience with, in Espanola, below.

Criminal Defence Lawyers in Espanola

What The Law features like-minded criminal defence lawyers in Espanola who believe in defending your rights. Our work is wide in scope, and our law firm has supported clients and successfully represented them. We offer dedicated defences to ensure you are not alone when facing bail hearings or court dates.

Designed to help you check the compatibility of our law firm with your case, our free initial consultation comes with a disclosure review. We aim to make you feel confident when you use our criminal law services, right from the start.

What The Law takes pride in its belief in the presumption of innocence. It doesn't matter what you have been charged with, we treat you and your case with the assumption that you are innocent, navigating the charges with this perspective.

Our Criminal Law Services in Espanola

The scope of our experience is vast, as are our criminal law services in Espanola. Here are a few of the criminal law services we extend to clients in Espanola.

Assault and Threat of Asssault

The application of force upon another person, where the person hasn't given consent can lead to an assault charge. Yet, if the accused even threatens a victim and has the means to execute the threat, this counts as a threat of assault charge.

The scope of assault charges is broad. Two examples are sexual assault and domestic assault. Two additional examples are aggravated assault and simple assault. 

We have, in the past, handled assault charges from all areas of the assault spectrum, and we are able to support you.

Driving Offences

A driving offence charge encompasses dangerous driving and impaired driving. These can result in different charges which can depend on prior convictions. The blood alcohol level is also considered for such charges.

In the majority of circumstances, a conviction likely leads to a license suspension. Even if this is for a brief time, it can disrupt your life.

What The Law can minimize any severe consequences by offering our support and building a defence to get you fair outcomes.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

In firearms and weapons offences, the case can be complex. Charges can include using a firearm to commit a criminal act. It can involve owning a prohibited weapon or even the careless use of a firearm or weapon.

Time in prison can be the sentence for a conviction in this case. It can have devastating consequences for your life.

A complicated case like this will need a criminal defence lawyer, which we can provide at What The Law, and we are here to mount a strong defence.


For an act of deceit in which an individual intends to deprive someone of services or money, a fraud charge can be applicable. The charge can include depriving a person of property or even valuable security. The act is done through falsehoods or fraudulent means.

It can share penalties that are similar to a theft charge, with more severe penalties given for the type of fraud worth more than $5,000.00. These can negatively impact your life and make it harder to find employment if you are convicted.

Our experience in navigating fraud cases means we can help. Our Espanola criminal lawyers focus on defending your fraud charge and ensure severe outcomes are avoided.


Theft can result in different penalties. They will depend on the value of what the accused has stolen. Being found guilty of the type of theft that involves property more than $5,000.00 leads to long periods of time in jail. Being found guilty of the type of theft that involves property less than $5,000.00 can still lead to jail time.

With this on your criminal record, you may find getting employment a struggle. It can change your life significantly. At What The Law, we can build a defence to ensure these consequences don't affect you.


Stealing property while using threatening behaviour or violence to prevent the victim from resisting is robbery. This charge may include assaulting someone and inflicting harm. It may include wounding a person or beating them.

There are lifelong repercussions for a robbery conviction. It can lead to jail time. Each case will have different penalties, though, so outcomes will be dictated by the violence of the accused and additional factors.

We have successfully worked with clients facing robbery charges. We are able to defend your robbery charge and will work to make sure you face fair outcomes.

Murder and Manslaughter

The gravity of a murder and manslaughter charge is clear in the Criminal Code. The charge can vary, and will depend on whether intent was behind the action of the accused.

What The Law's criminal defence lawyers in Espanola have defended a full range of murder and manslaughter charges with success. We can offer a robust defence for your case as well.

Why Choose What The Law's Criminal Defence Lawyers in Espanola?

What The Law focuses on each case with a unique perspective because there are no two equal cases. We offer a process and a defence that is designed for your specific case, focusing on the intricacies of each detail and the information you provide us.

We want our clients to have no issues when accessing the services of our law office. So we offer flexible plans and fee transparency to make sure the payment process is easy.

Our team will always work with the goal of ensuring a fair outcome. This might mean getting a case dismissed or minimizing the impact of penalties. It means ensuring your rights remain uninfringed. Defending your rights throughout the process, we will support you.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Hiring a Lawyer for Criminal Charges Necessary?

Hiring a lawyer is an important step if you are facing criminal charges. A criminal defence lawyer will implement their skills and knowledge to your specific case. Don't underestimate the difference a lawyer can make. Without a lawyer, you may struggle to navigate the charge alone, and What The Law will help with this.

Can I Talk to a Lawyer for Free in Espanola?

Many law firms offer free legal advice. It's possible to talk to a lawyer for free in Espanola. What The Law offers an initial consultation at no cost to you. We also provide flexible plans for repayment. We ensure you can manage the fees without stress.

How Can I Choose a Defence Lawyer in Espanola?

It's not easy to choose a defence lawyer in Espanola, but we have some advice for this. To start with, being able to trust your lawyer is important. A free consultation, like the ones we offer, will help you know if you can be confident in the lawyer's abilities. Then, you need to ensure the lawyer has previously handled a case like yours before you choose them.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Espanola

You do not need to face criminal charges alone. What The Law is committed to providing a strong defence for all our clients. We will fight to ensure you are treated fairly. We'll support you with the presumption that you are innocent.

Contact What The Law today - speak to our team to arrange a free consultation with a criminal defence lawyer in Espanola.