Sarnia Criminal Lawyers

Being charged with a crime in Sarnia may feel as though your situation is completely hopeless. Criminal charges, bail hearings, court dates, the potential of a criminal record – all of these can cause a huge amount of anxiety and make you worry about your life.

It is with criminal defence lawyers in Sarnia that you can get legal advice that is tailored to your criminal case. What The Law has the team you can rely on for your case. We strongly believe that no matter the charge, you are owed a fair trial and will defend your case. 

Discover the work Sarnia criminal lawyers at What The Law can do below.

Criminal Defence Lawyers in Sarnia

We have experienced criminal defence lawyers in Sarnia. Our entire law firm is knowledgeable in criminal law, whether in areas such as impaired driving cases or sexual assault. The knowledge we have means we are fully prepared to ensure the best outcomes are achieved for our clients.

What The Law has seen the outcomes that can occur when clients are not fully aware of what their entitlements are. So we will always clearly present your rights, ensuring you understand them. But we will go a step further. We'll make sure your rights are not violated and defend those rights throughout the case.

We understand the stress this circumstance can bring. To minimize this, we make the repayment process a flexible one, and offer a free initial consultation.

Our Criminal Law Services in Sarnia

A full range of criminal law services in Sarnia is available through our Sarnia criminal lawyers. We are experienced in the following areas.

Assault and Threat of Assault

The definition of an assault charge is physical contact that leads to harm or physical injury. In causing them to be fearful of bodily harm, the accused may be charged with threat of assault. In hitting an individual, the action can be considered assault as well.

Types of assault may be aggravated assault or domestic assault, leading to different punishments. With a conviction there is the potential to be incarcerated.

Our Sarnia criminal lawyers are dedicated to working on a defence to help you get the consequences that are fair to you.

Driving Offences

Motor vehicle operation when intoxicated and impaired driving as well as driving under the influence are all driving offences. Punishments can be severe. It won't matter if this is your very first offence, prison time can be a potential punishment and consequence.

What The Law's criminal defence lawyers in Sarnia have worked on cases that include dangerous driving and more. Our Sarnia DUI lawyer team will be able to help in this situation.

Firearms and Weapons Offences

A weapons offence, such as not having a valid permit and carrying a firearm is not a straightforward case. Multiple classifications of weapons exist; multiple charges can apply. Other examples include misusing a firearm or using guns illegally.

A convicted individual guilty of firearms misuse may face punishments of periods in prison.

We can use the same attention to detail and determination as with previous firearms and weapons offences to defend your specific case and ensure you are not affected by the most severe consequences.


Fraud charges include dishonest actions that deceive victims into suffering losses in terms of money. The financial losses are either classed as greater than $5,000.00 or have a monetary value of less than $5,000.00.

Each of these fraud classifications, if a conviction occurs, can have devastating repercussions. They can change your life in a detrimental way, unless a criminal defence lawyer in Sarnia can successfully defend your case.

We will do all we can to prove that the act was not dishonest or that the conditions for fraud did not apply to the case. With our experience, we can ensure less serious punishments apply to you.


In taking something that is not theirs, and in not asking for the item or receiving consent, an accused individual can receive a theft charge. It doesn't include violence, which is the case in a robbery charge.

The theft categories are based on the value of what is taken. It can exceed or be lower than $5,000.00, leading to different outcomes, and these outcomes might be multiple months of jail time.

To ensure these consequences do not take place, we advise contacting What The Law. We can implement our knowledge and experience with mounting theft case defences to defend you. 


An accused person who has used violence to grab property from a victim may be involved in a robbery charge. The accompaniment of violence or threatening someone with a violent and brutal act means this charge is even more grave and serious than theft.

Prior convictions make the punishment for robbery worse, with some outcomes including long-term imprisonment. Contact What The Law if you have received a robbery charge, as we can help.

Murder and Manslaughter

Within murder and manslaughter charges are a few types or categories. If a death happens and there isn't an intention to cause it, this is categorized as manslaughter. 

Manslaughter charges may be under the criminal negligence category, and an unlawful act category also exists. Key differences are based on the recklessness behind the act, versus the intent of the accused in a heated circumstance.

The intent to kill is an element that distinguishes first-degree murder from second-degree murder. Convictions can end in imprisonment. We have in-depth experience in such cases, so you can rely on us to defend and help you.

Why Work With What The Law's Criminal Defence Lawyers in Sarnia?

At What The Law, every defence approach we take centres on the presumption of innocence. What this means is we fully believe that you are innocent when creating a strong case for you. With this in mind, our criminal defence lawyers in Sarnia will always defend your rights as we have done since we were founded.

Our flat rate pricing model means we are an accessible law firm. We want to make costs easy to handle and manage, so the addition of flexible payments and transparency in fees means that no surprises will come to your attention in your bills.

We are fully passionate about defending you and treat your case with empathy. You can confide in our experienced Sarnia criminal defence lawyers, and trust us to mount your defence with focus, attention to detail, experience, and our full backing.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Cost of a Criminal Defence Lawyer in Sarnia?

There is not one specific cost for a criminal defence lawyer in Sarnia; law firms each set their own price and means of charging their clients for their services. For flexible rates and the services of a criminal defence lawyer for your case, What The Law is available. 

Which Legal Rights Apply to Criminal Cases in Sarnia?

In terms of your rights for criminal cases in Sarnia, legal counsel is one of your entitlements. If you are arrested, this means you can request a lawyer. You are also allowed to be told why criminal changes have been brought against you. What The Law offers its team unceasingly, so that if a criminal case is facing you, we will be here around the clock.

How Can I Know if a Law Firm is Ideal for My Case in Sarnia?

First and foremost, you are going to need to know if the law firm's experience matches the charge you have been given. If the firm has navigated charges similar to yours, this is ideal. Secondly, you are going to need to feel that you can trust and confide in the firm. What The Law combines experience with empathy when handling cases, so that you will know we are ideal for your case in Sarnia.

What The Law Criminal Defence Lawyers in Sarnia

The challenging process of navigating criminal cases is better achieved with the right legal advice. Experienced criminal defence lawyers in Sarnia know what to expect and how to help you – which is what our team will provide. 

Make What The Law the first law firm you consider when choosing legal services in Sarnia. Contact us today and book a free initial consultation to initiate the process of handling criminal charges.